An early version of The Snail & The Butterfly was a poem that Author Dougie Coop wrote from a dream way back in 1993.

“Advice From An Angel”

Oh angel perched by my side, tell me please, how to fly.  To soar above the earth below, full of the pain and sorrow I’m sure to know.

Oh my friend I wish I knew, how to fly so you could too.  My wings are weak; my spirit shaken.  Yet, it’s all I have; all else was taken.

Oh angel perched by my side, tell me then why to fly.  To leap into the clouds below, full of the confusion and uncertainty  I’m sure to know.

Oh my friend I wish I knew, how to fly or why I do.  My will is weak; my faith is shaken.  Yet, it’s all I have; all else was taken.

Oh angel perched by my side, tell me then can I fly?  I’ll spread my wings and close my eyes and jump into the hazy skies.

Oh my friend this I know, you have wings, just let them grow.  Spread them at your time of flight, for the rest is determined by your sight.